Passage on angelheaded ship with sails as wings in the howling wind.
Anchor's a-trip to the end of the night waiting for the sunrise.
Swallowed by the great fish in the past and enlightened by the Moon at the mast,
Jonah more than living seagull transformed into albatross,
wandering free on the road of the Milky Wake looking for the eternal breeze.
White wood stock of dancing stars, adrift off Orion's belt and shaped the cuckoo's nest,
shows the Route to direction unknown like rolling words from an old pirate's log.
Further from one port to another with only cap, pea coat, bag and brothers,
the bright-eyed mariner, when the ship comes in,
courts the lover picked from 'les Fleurs' to become his own voyage breath:
never really lost and always found.
To rock together the salty ballad of the Tree of Life is a delight
and smells like cosmic spirit tattooed with fun in the canticle of the Sun.